I’ll start off by saying this – when I created my own website, I struggled quite a bit with writing the copy( which is the text portion) for my About Me page. It felt a little indulgent and being kinda shy, I pretty much wanted to say
” Hi, I’m Ayesha, this is what I look like. Erm, thanks for stopping by. OKthanksbye. “
But- as I’ve started to build websites and even back when I ran an etsy shop, I’ve looked more closely at the things I consider when I’m looking to buy a product or service and what makes me choose certain businesses over others. What I found was, a lot of the times it was because I connected with the person offering the service/making the product.
I’ve put together a few ideas to help make this section of your website one that potential clients and customers are able to connect with you and learn more about you. I want to encourage you to show a bit of your personality ( even if, like me, you are a bit shy) .
OK- so let’s get to the good stuff – Your About page is more about your customer than you.
Yep- Let me say that a little louder for the people in the back-
Your About Page is more about your customer, than you.
That takes the pressure off a little bit doesn’t it? You customer is trying to find out more about you in regards to how it relates to solving n issue for them or how it ties into their decision making process. So draft your About page very intentionally talking to your ideal customer and why you are the right person to solve their problem for them.
The content that you would put in your About Page varies a bit depending on whether you are selling a product or offering a service.
If you are product based – You can choose whether you want to put in a picture of yourself and tell the story of how you started creating the products you are selling.I’d encourage you to do this but you can get away with skipping it.
However if you are a service based business gal- it is absolutely crucial to talk about who you are and why you offer the service that you do.(No hiding behind a screen for you :))
The Core of your About Page
The main things you want your about Page to communicate are –
–Who you are.
– What you do/make.
– That you clearly understand their pain point/ what they are struggling with and why you are the right person to be able to solve it.
If you nail these three things, you’ve got a great About Me page. All the other add ons are nice, but not a make or break factor.
Who you are :Introduce yourself- yes, with your name. I know this seems like a given- but often, if your business name is different than your real name people don’t know who it is.
What you make/do: Product- chat about what you make or where you get your inspiration to design/your style.
Service- Talk a bit about the service you offer and how long you have been doing it .
Why they should choose you– What makes your product different or unique? Do you handmake each item? Is it made out of a sustainable material? Try and and add in a bit about your style/ etc.
If you are a service based business- explain how you got started or what drew you to offer this service. Talk about how your process might be different than others and talk about the pros of working together.
One last thing : Don’t be shy to add a bit of your personality in there. Often, in trying to sound super professional, we can completely leave our personality out. Part of connecting with your audience is being able to show them who you really are and having them relate to it. So don’t be afraid to talk like you would talk in real life. When clients work with you, you want them to feel like it’s the same person that was chatting with them when they read your about page.( Bonus : It helps you feel more authentic in your business too!)
Other great bits to add to your about me page :
Testimonials – Share what other people say about working with you or how you helped them
As featured in – You can add in logos or brands you’ve worked with or links to any collaborations/articles.
A few quirky favourites–
Behind the Scenes – Pictures of your studio space, of you making your product, of you working with a client etc.
Linking your IG feed
Your opt in gift- Do you have a freebie that slves a problem for your ideal client? Add it in there!
Your goals/bucket list– This is a fun way to share places you want to travel to/business goals you have and strike them off as they happen. It’s part of sharing your journey with your customers.
Calls to action :
Link to your favourite personal blog posts ( if any)
Do you have a great opt in gift? link to it here
Add in a work with me button – and link to your services/contact page.
Link to some of your personal favourites from your shop.
Keep it clear and clutter free. Adding every single option in the above list will overwhelm your customer. so pick and choose one or two from the add ons and one call to action and you should be good to go!
I hope this helps you write a kickass about page for your business without the overwhelm!
I’ve also compiled a checklist to put together content for your website that you can get straight to your inbox!