I’ve been wanting to write a catch up post for a bit now- not just to share genuinely what my journey has been this year but also to memory keep. I’m love looking back and seeing how far I’ve come and it blows my mind that we are already past the half way mark in 2021!
This month was relatively quiet. As this was the first year I had my website design business in the month of Jan ( I started it in April 2020) I wasn’t sure what to expect. Most business owners, like myself were slowly getting back to business after the holidays so things were slow. I took it as an opportunity to take the time to figure out what I wanted to do this year and what I wanted my business to look like!
I had been steadily working on my money mindset for the last few months and things began to click. I was feeling more confident in myself and what I was meant for.
Brand Design : I had done a few brand design projects for website design clients in 2020 and found that I really enjoyed the process. I took a course on Brand Strategy that blew my mind and really helped me set up to support my clients!
I created and launched my Client Testimonial workshop after realizing that other business owners were struggling to collect and effectively use testimonials from their clients. I had unconsciously set up a system that allowed me to collect, organize and use my client testimonials to bring in more work – and from dreamy clients that aligned with the style of work I did!
Full disclaimer- I had two paid participants in this first round. In the past, I would’ve beaten myself up and totally felt like a failure. I’ve learned through the past year to value every single client. By focusing more on the fact that I get to help people sign up versus how many people signed up- I feel so much more grateful and excited .
Another major milestone was coming up for my business : I was due to quit to put in my notice at my full time job but started to get a bit jittery. Even though I had already been surpassing my income for a few months, I was still a bit nervous- less about making money and more about disappointing colleagues I really enjoyed working with.
I had an amazing photoshoot with a local photographer ( Kacey from Adventure Club Photography ) and got some really fun updated brand images!
I hit my first 10K month- combining the income from my business as well as my part time job.
It felt surreal.
I couldn’t believe I had done it. It’s weird because I always pictured being someone that was wayyyy more ahead in the game to hit a 10K month- someone smarter, more well informed, more experienced, fitter, with a larger audience and just generally felt like they ‘had it more together.’
I turned 30! Eeeeep!
Don’t worry, I still look around for an ‘older’ adult when I’m in a sticky situation. Haha- I don’t know if that will ever change! This was also my last month at my full time job. I officially put in my notice and was excited to jump into full time entrepreneurship.
With all the little things to wrap up as well as juggling client work and websites- this was a stressful month. I knew I was working way too much but just kept telling myself it was just a matter of pushing through these last few days.
I officially started working full time in my business! Whohooooo!
I had a lot of big plans for those first few weeks- but ended up just really soaking in not having a schedule. It also started to get warmer here in Calgary so I was making the most of taking mid afternoon walks with Willow, laying out on the patio and finishing up working at 1pm everyday
Things felt…..unrushed, amazing and free. I realized how much of my creative energy was dependent on me taking breaks and really allowing myself to soak in the inspiration – something I couldn’t do when I overloaded myself or took on more than I could handle.
Overall, it’s been an amazing year so far- one far better than I could have imagined. I have a few things planned for the rest of the year- things that have been brewing for a bit and I’ll share that with you in a followup post soon!