Eeek! My first blog post! Well, not really my first EVER blog post- About eight years ago when I was knee deep in the world of pastry- I wrote a blog called “ Cupcakes Vs the world” ( which I’m sure is still floating around the inter webs somewhere) but that is a story for a different time.
I couldn’t decide what to write about, but I figured the best place to start was the thing that nudged me to start this little business!
One evening in August 2018, my husband came home from work and I was watching Kara and Nate on youtube and I half -jokingly asked him “ What would happen if we just quit our jobs and travelled for a bit?”
Now, If you know us as a couple, I’m usually the one bringing up some random unnecessary idea and he keeps us grounded ( and thank gosh, because we’d probably be broke), so I fully expected him to laugh it off. But for some reason he responded with
“That sounds amazing. Lets do it.”
Safe to say it took me a few minutes to get my jaw off the floor but that was it. One moment- a snap decision- and after that we didn’t doubt it for a second.
We didn’t know how we would make it happen, we just knew that we had to, somehow. We did a lot of research in a really short amount of time ( thank God for the internet!) and put things into place for before we left. We planned to leave in early October- so we had only a month and half to pull everything together.We booked our flights out with a somewhat plan but no return tickets.
We ended up travelling for exactly 6 months on the exact budget we had estimated it would be.

Here are the lessons I learned from out time travelling :
The decision to do something is often the hardest. Once you decide to do it and know that there is no other
The easiest way to make big changes, is in small steps. If something seems really crazy difficult- stop, figure out what the most immediate step you can take is and then do it. Small steps, one at a time, without worrying about how you will reach your goal.
Starting from scratch again is really not that scary.
Airport lounges will significantly change your travel experience. Get a credit card that gives you access to airport lounges if you are travelling long term!
Never underestimate the value of a hot shower.
Sometimes, people that have the least are willing to share the most.
There are so SO many magical experiences waiting for you just outside your comfort zone.
Always carry a snack. Hangry arguments are the WORST!
Don’t knock something until you’ve tried it.
Travel light.
That’s all I can think of at the moment. I have noticed that since we came back we are much much more open to trying new things, taking risks and conscious about the decisions we make in our life together.
That’s a wrap!